Aircraft | Research Program | Flight Dates | #Images |
A-5A Vigilante (Historical) |  | SST & Sonic Boom Research | 1963 | 1 |
Active Aeroelastic Wing (AAW) (Historical) |  | Active Aeroelastic Wing Research | 2001 - present | 25 |
AD-1 (Historical) |  | Oblique Wing Research | 1979 - 1982 | 7 |
Aero-Commander (Historical) |  | Unswept Fuselage Study | 1968 | 2 |
Aerospike Rocket Test |  | First know data from a solid fueled aerospike rocket in flight | Present | 3 |
Altair |  | Remotely operated, uninhabited aircraft program | Present | 24 |
Altus (Historical) |  | ERAST Program - High Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | 1996 - 1997 | 10 |
Apex (Historical) |  | ERAST Program - High Altitude Sailplane | 1995 - 1998 | 3 |
APV-3 NUAVT (Historical) |  | Auto Piloted Vehicle (APV-3) Networked Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | 2005 | 3 |
Autonomous Aerial Refueling (AAR) (Historical) |  | F/A-18 #845 Autonomous Aerial Refueling (AAR) project | 2002 - 2003 | 10 |
Autonomous Airborne Refueling Demonstration (AARD) |  | F/A-18 #845 Autonomous Airborne Refueling | 2006 - present | 12 |
Autonomous Formation Flight (AFF) (Historical) |  | Autonomous Formation Flight Control | 2000 - 2001 | 8 |
Autonomous Soaring Project |  | Thermal Lift Tests to Extend UAV Flight Range and Endurance | 2005 | 3 |
B-29 Superfortress (Historical) |  | Air Drop Mothership | 1940s - 1960s | 10 |
B-47A Stratojet (Historical) |  | Landing Drag Chute Study and Dynamic Response Research | 1953 - 1957 | 7 |
B-52 Stratofortress |  | Air Drop Mothership (Historical) | 1959 - 2004 | 44 |
 | F-111 Chute Drop Test (Historical) | 1989 | 2 |
 | HiMAT Mothership (Historical) | 1979 - 1983 | 2 |
 | Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster (Historical) | 1970s - 1980s | 6 |
 | STS Drag Chute Tests (Historical) | 1990 - 1991 | 5 |
 | X-38 Mothership (Historical) | 1997 - 2000 | 11 |
B-57B Canberra (Historical) |  | Atmospheric Research | 1982 | 3 |
Bell 47 (Historical) |  | Support and LLRV Chase/Training | early 1960s - 1985 | 3 |
Boeing 720 (Historical) |  | CID - Controlled Impact Demonstration | 1984 | 7 |
Boeing 727 (Historical) |  | Vortex study | 1974 | 1 |
Boeing 747 (Historical) |  | Vortex study | 1974, 1979 | 4 |
C-17 Globemaster III |  | Propulsion Health Management (PHM) | 2003 - present | 11 |
C-140 Jetstar (Historical) |  | General purpose airborne simulator | 1963 - 1988 | 5 |
C-141A (Historical) |  | Eclipse tow aircraft | 1997 | 1 |
Centurion (Historical) |  | High Altitude Solar Powered Aircraft | 1997 | 30 |
CV-990 (Historical) |  | LSRA - Landing Systems Research Aircraft | 1993 - 1996 | 17 |
D-558-1 Skystreak (Historical) |  | Transonic Flight Research | 1947 - 1953 | 11 |
D-558-2 Skyrocket (Historical) |  | Transonic and Supersonic Flight Research | 1949 - 1956 | 18 |
Daedalus (Historical) |  | Human Powered Aircraft | 1987 - 1988 | 2 |
DC-8 |  | Airborne Laboratory | 1997 - present | 129 |
Demonstrator 2 (Historical) |  | ERAST Research | 1996 | 1 |
E-2C Hawkeye |  | Loads Lab weight tests for planned modifications | 2005 | 3 |
Eclipse (Historical) |  | Towed aircraft launch | 1997 | 16 |
ER-2 |  | High altitude Research | 1997 - present | 34 |
F-4A Phantom (Historical) |  | Navy fighter | 1965 | 1 |
F-4C Phantom II (Historical) |  | Air flow tests | 1984 | 2 |
F4D Skyray (Historical) |  | N/A | 1950s | 1 |
F5D-1 Skylancer (Historical) |  | Develop Dyna-soar launch pad abort procedures | 1961 - 1970 | 6 |
F-8A Crusader (Historical) |  | SCW - Supercritical Wing | 1971 - 1973 | 7 |
F-8C Crusader (Historical) |  | DFBW - Digital Fly-By-Wire | 1972 - 1985 | 8 |
F-14 Tomcat (Historical) |  | Variable Sweep Transition flight experiment | 1986 - 1987 | 8 |
F-15 Eagle |  | F-15B SBRDC/ECANS | 2007 - present | 7 |
 | F-15B #837 Intelligent Flight Control System | 2002 - present | 9 |
 | F-15B #836 Quiet Spike (Historical) | 2006 - present | 19 |
 | F-15B #836 Research Testbed Aircraft | 1993 - present | 38 |
 | F-15 #837 ACTIVE - Thrust Vectoring (Historical) | 1993 - 1998 | 27 |
 | F-15A - Flight Research (Historical) | 1976 - 1981 | 12 |
 | F-15A RPRV/SRV: Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle/Spin Research Vehicle (Historical) | 1975 - 1977 | 2 |
 | Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control (HIDEC) (Historical) | 1976 - 1993 | 7 |
F-16 AFTI (Historical) |  | AFTI - Advanced Fighter Technology Integration | 1983 | 11 |
F-16XL (Historical) |  | Ship #1 (Historical) | 1991 - 1996 | 39 |
 | Ship #1 CAWAP - Cranked Aero Wing Aerodynamics Project (Historical) | 1994 - 1996 | 13 |
 | Ship #2 - Supersonic Laminar Flow (Historical) | 1992 - 1996 | 30 |
F-18 Hornet |
 | Airborne Astronomy | 1999 - present | 4 |
 | Mission Support Aircraft | 1990 - present | 28 |
 | SRA - Systems Research Aircraft | 1993 - 1998 | 22 |
 | HARV - High Alpha Research Aircraft (Historical) | 1987 - 1997 | 33 |
F-86 Sabre (Historical) |  | Chase Aircraft | 1950s | 37 |
F-100 Super Sabre (Historical) |  | Inertial Coupling (stability) | 1954 - 1956 | 9 |
F-101 Voodoo (Historical) |  | Air Force fighter | 1956 | 1 |
F-104 Starfighter (Historical) |  | Inertial coupling, reaction controls, noise research | 1956 - 1973 | 28 |
F-105 Thunderchief (Historical) |  | Various flight research projects | 1959 - 1968 | 1 |
F-106 Delta Dart (Historical) |  | Eclipse air tow | 1997 - 1998 | 11 |
F-107A (Historical) |  | Evaluate sidestick flight control system | 1957 - 1959 | 3 |
F-111 Aardvaark (Historical) |  | F-111A (Historical) | 1968 | 2 |
 | F-111 AFTI - Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (Historical) | 1974 - 1986 | 6 |
 | F-111E IPCS - Integrated Propulsion Control System (Historical) | 1975 | 1 |
 | F-111 TACT - Transonic Aircraft Technology (Historical) | 1972 - 1984 | 3 |
Firebee Drone (Historical) |  | DAST - Drone for Aeroelastic Structures Testing | 1977 - 1984 | 7 |
Gossamer Albatross (Historical) |  | Human Powered Aircraft | 1980 | 5 |
Global Hawk |  | Unmanned aircraft | 2007-present | 7 |
Gulfstream III |  | General project support aircraft | 2002 - present | 5 |
Guppy |  | Pilot study and system transport | 1962-present | 10 |
HL-10 (Historical) |  | Lifting Body | 1966 - 1970 | 29 |
Helios |  | Solar Powered Aircraft | 1999 - present | 36 |
HiMAT (Historical) |  | RPV - Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology | 1979 - 1983 | 6 |
Hyper III (Historical) |  | RPV - Lifting Body reentry configuration | 1969 | 4 |
Ikhana |  | Long-endurance, high-altitude unmanned research aircraft | Present | 41 |
Inflatable Wing (Historical) |  | Inflatable Wing Technology Demonstrator | 2001 | 9 |
Iron Cross Attitude Simulator (Historical) |  | Reaction Flight Control Systems | 1956 | 3 |
KC-135A Stratotanker (Historical) |  | Evaluate capabilities of jet aircraft in air traffic control system and Winglet Study | 1958 and 1979 | 5 |
KingAir |  | Support aircraft | 1997 - present | 7 |
L-1011 |  | Adaptive Performance Optimization | 1995 - present | 5 |
 | Wing Vortex Study (Historical) | 1977 | 1 |
Lear 24 (Historical) |  | Jet transport | 2001 | 1 |
LLRV (Historical) |  | Lunar Landing Research Vehicle | 1964 - 1967 | 9 |
LRV (Historical) |  | Low Reynolds Vehicle | 1981 - 1982 | 2 |
M2-F1 (Historical) |  | Lifting Body | 1963 - 1964 | 22 |
M2-F2 (Historical) |  | Lifting Body | 1966 - 1967 | 18 |
M2-F3 (Historical) |  | Lifting Body | 1970 - 1972 | 10 |
MD-11 (Historical) |  | Propulsion Controlled Aircraft | 1995 | 10 |
Mini-Sniffer (Historical) |  | Air sample gathering | 1974 - 1977 | 4 |
Morphing Airplane |  | Inflight Configuration Changes | present | 1 |
Oblique Wing Research Aircraft (Historical) |  | Oblique Wing Research | 1976 | 2 |
Orion Crew Module |  | Orion crew module | 2007 - present | 16 |
OV-1C (Historical) |  | Stall speed warning system | 1983 | 2 |
P-3D Orion (Historical) |  | Shuttle Tile Flight Tests Fixture | 1987 | 2 |
P-38 Lightning (Historical) |  | World War II fighter | mid 1940s | 1 |
P-51 Mustang (Historical) |  | Chase (X-1A), Pilot proficiency | 1950s, 2000 | 4 |
PA-30 TwinComanche (Historical) |  | NASA 808 RPRV - Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle | 1979 - 1980 | 2 |
Paresev (Historical) |  | Spacecraft landing control systems | 1962 - 1964 | 10 |
Pathfinder (Historical) |  | Solar Powered Aircraft | 1994 - 1997 | 35 |
Pathfinder-Plus |  | Solar Powered Aircraft | 1998 - present | 32 |
Pegasus (Historical) |  | Air-launched space booster | 1989 - 1994 | 9 |
Perseus (Historical) |  | Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology | 1993 - 1994, 1998 | 23 |
Phoenix Missile |  | Hypersonic testbed | 2007 - present | 3 |
PIK-20E (Historical) |  | Sailplane Research Aircraft - airflow over lifting surfaces | 1981 - 1991 | 2 |
Power-Beaming |  | Continuous flight using beamed laser energy | 2002-present | 10 |
Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) |  | Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) | 1993-present | 9 |
Proteus |  | Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology | 1999- present | 7 |
Quiet Spike |  | Sonic boom research | 2006 - present | 19 |
R4D Skytrain (Historical) |  | Support aircraft | 1950s | 3 |
RF-84F (Historical) |  | Pitch up studies | 1965 | 1 |
RSRA (Historical) |  | Rotor Systems Research Aircraft | 1980 - 1981 | 2 |
Schweizer 1-36 (Historical) |  | Deep Stall Research | 1983 - 1984 | 3 |
Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) |  | Space shuttle ferry flights | 1981 - present | 7 |
SOFIA |  | Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy | 2006 - present | 68 |
Spacewedge (Historical) |  | Spacecraft Autoland Project | 1991 - 1996 | 6 |
SRV (Historical) |  | RPV - Spin Research Vehicle | 1973 - 1981 | 2 |
Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration (SSBD) |  | Reducing sonic boom intensity | 2003 - 2004 | 12 |
SR-71 Blackbird |  | High speed flight and sonic boom studies (Historical) | 1990 - 1999 | 43 |
 | Linear Aerospike SR Experiment (LASRE) (Historical) | 1996 - 1999 | 21 |
 | Ultraviolet Experiment | 1994 | 1 |
T-33A (Historical) |  | Support and Flight Research | 1958 - 1973 | 4 |
T-34C |  | Chase, pilot proficiency | 1996 - present | 10 |
T-37 (Historical) |  | Chase Aircraft, Wake Vortex Studies | 1974 | 2 |
T-38 |  | Chase, pilot proficiency | 1970s - present | 15 |
Theseus |  | RPV | 1996 - present | 16 |
Tier 3- Darkstar (Historical) |  | RPV | 1995 - 1999 | 2 |
TU-144LL (Historical) |  | Supersonic Research | 1996 - 1999 | 16 |
U-2 (Historical) |  | Never flown - CIA Cover Story | 1960 | 1 |
Voyager (Historical) |  | Globe circling flight | 1987 | 1 |
X-1 (Historical) |  | Supersonic flight | 1946 - 1958 | 19 |
X-1A (Historical) |  | Supersonic flight | 1946 - 1958 | 7 |
X-1B (Historical) |  | Supersonic flight | 1946 - 1958 | 11 |
X-1E (Historical) |  | Supersonic flight | 1946 - 1958 | 12 |
X-2 (Historical) |  | Supersonic swept wing | 1955 - 1956 | 8 |
X-3 (Historical) |  | Sustained flight at Mach 2+, low aspect ratio wings,titanium construction | 1953 - 1956 | 11 |
X-4 (Historical) |  | Semi-tailless aircraft | 1954 | 9 |
X-5 (Historical) |  | Variable sweep wings | 1952 - 1955 | 10 |
X-15 (Historical) |  | Hypersonic flight at high altitude | 1959 - 1968 | 55 |
X-24 (Historical) |  | Lifting body flight research | 1969 - 1975 | 30 |
X-29 (Historical) |  | Forward Swept Wing | 1984 - 1992 | 18 |
X-31 (Historical) |  | Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability Demonstrator | 1992 - 1995 | 27 |
X-33 (Historical) |  | Advanced Technology Demonstrator | 1996 - 1999 | 25 |
X-34 (Historical) |  | Technology Testbed Demonstrator | 1998 - 2000 | 30 |
X-36 (Historical) |  | Tailless Aircraft Research | 1996 - 1997 | 27 |
X-37 |  | Advanced Technology Demonstrator | 1999 - present | 5 |
X-38 (Historical) |  | Experimental Crew Return Vehicle | 1995 - 2001 | 78 |
X-40A (Historical) |  | Space Maneuvering Vehicle | 1996 - 2001 | 14 |
X-43A / Hyper-X |  | Unpiloted Hypersonic Research Vehicle | 1996 - present | 82 |
X-45A |  | X-45A Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J-UCAS) | 2001 - present | 25 |
X-48B |  | Blended Wing Body | Present | 18 |
X-Wing (Historical) |  | Rotor System Research Aircraft | 1986 - 1988 | 3 |
XB-70A Valkyrie (Historical) |  | Stability and handling of large delta-wing aircraft at high speed | 1967 - 1969 | 12 |
XF-91 Thunderceptor (Historical) |  | Prototype fighter | early 1950s | 1 |
XF-92A (Historical) |  | Evaluate delta wing concept | 1953 | 9 |
XV-15 Tilt Rotor Aircraft (Historical) |  | Improve design and efficiency of rotorcraft using tilt rotors | 1980 - 1981 | 4 |
YF-12 Blackbird (Historical) |  | High speed, high altitude research, aerodynamic and thermal loads | 1970 - 1978 | 10 |
YF-17 Cobra (Historical) |  | Prototype aircraft (future F-18) | mid 1970s | 3 |
YF-23 (Historical) |  | Never flown at Dryden - US Air Force photo | 1994 | 1 |
YF-102 Delta Dagger (Historical) |  | Delta wing research | 1954 - 1958 | 4 |
YO-3A |  | In-Flight Acoustics Research | 1997 - 2004 | 5 |
YRF-84F (Historical) |  | Pitch-up research | 1954 - 1956 | 3 |
Aircraft Fleet Images |
Fleet images |  | All Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1950 - present | 50 |
Fleet Images from the 1950s (Historical) |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1950 - 1959 | 11 |
Fleet Images from the 1960s (Historical) |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1960 - 1969 | 14 |
Fleet Images from the 1970s (Historical) |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1970 - 1979 | 2 |
Fleet Images from the 1980s (Historical) |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1980 - 1989 | 4 |
Fleet Images from the 1990s (Historical) |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 1990 - 1999 | 15 |
Fleet Images from the 2000s |  | Dryden aircraft fleet photos | 2000 - present | 4 |
STS - Space Shuttle |
ALT (Historical) |  | STS Approach and Landing Tests | late 1970s | 6 |
Ferry Flights |  | STS - SCA Ferry Flights | 1981 - present | 9 |
Landings |  | STS Dryden/Edwards Landings | 1981 - present | 39 |
MDD |  | STS Mate-Demate Device | 1978 - present | 7 |
STS-1 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-1 Landing at Edwards | April 14, 1981 | 20 |
STS-76 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-76 Landing at Edwards | March 31, 1996 | 7 |
STS-92 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-92 Landing at Edwards | October 24, 2000 | 15 |
STS-98 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-98 Landing at Edwards | February 20, 2001 | 8 |
STS-100 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-100 Landing at Edwards | May 1, 2001 | 10 |
STS-111 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-111 Landing at Edwards | June 19, 2002 | 8 |
STS-114 Landing (Historical) |  | STS-114 Discovery Space Shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base | August 9, 2005 | 32 |
STS-117 Landing |  | STS-117 Atlantis Space Shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base | June 22, 2007 | 12 |
STS-Miscellaneous |  | STS-Miscellaneous | 2005 | 9 |
Dryden Center Research Facilities Images |
Dryden Research Facilities |  | Dryden laboratories and buildings | 1946 - present | 30 |
Flight Simulators |  | Dryden flight simulators | 1958 - present | 17 |
Flight Loads Laboratory |  | Stress testing of aircraft under conditions expected in flight | 1970 - present | 16 |
Flow Visualization Facility |  | Water Tunnel Flow Studies | 1983 - present | 3 |
Other Dryden Images |
Aerodynamic Truck Research (Historical) |  | Air Flow Research | 1975 - 1981 | 2 |
Directors |  | Dryden Center Directors portraits | 1946 - present | 19 |
Miscellaneous |  | Miscellaneous Dryden photos | N/A | 14 |
People |  | Dryden people | 1946 - present | 56 |
Pilots |  | Dryden Research Pilots and their aircraft | 1946 - present | 79 |
Schlieren Photography |  | Shock Wave Visualization Research | 1993 - present | 1 |
Visitors |  | Guest speakers, visiting dignitaries, etc | 2002 - present | 22 |